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·昔日的茶马古道重镇——云南迪庆香格里拉独克宗古城  ·世界自然文化遗产——江西上饶三清山  ·西藏之旅的钻石级选择——林芝鲁朗  ·革命胜地——贵州遵义  ·山东海滨城市——日照  ·瑞士卢塞恩湖风光  ·付费维修只换不修成汽修行业“潜规则”  ·每周影人:河北摄影家刘永占  ·冬季到东北去看雪  ·赤峰市林西草原  ·江苏徐州户部山南方古宅院——郑家大院  ·日月潭  ·每周影人:北京摄影家傅纯荣  ·新疆五彩城雅丹地貌——光怪陆离的梦幻世界  ·优秀影人:广东摄影家——薛兴华  

The appropriation of masculine – encoded gesture – strategy adopted by fuel-rig, however nothing to stop femininity driving these huge road rigs – many do so. Photo shoot shows the clean lines of rig along supportive ...

Backdrop light depiction and composition that derives from the back light perspective and dramatic black areas.
Images push toward discovery of qualities apparently intrinsic toward poor light qualities that must n...

Wild-west types photographer walks into an otherwise empty field space, discovers moment of surprise, essentially good colorful subject matter – bunch of mundane friendly wild–west roosters. Their deadpan realism intro...

In life authorities hand out one item free – your street number normally placed on your mail box or anywhere else – larger the better on your estate.
This gallery captures example of types mail boxes, many of whi...

Citys Town Square rebuilt – handed over to spectators for the notion of tactile open air theater. Music-dance-clowns. All producing harmonies of sensations with varying rhythms.
The squares new birth of identity t...

These photographs reveal an entire small collection from the ancients – unsuspected china rose horde of photo analogies and flower forms in the existence of rose plants.   Photo's inviting observations from cou...

Ardisia crenata – Myrsinaceae – Japan
Interesting aesthetics going on behind the rose-red berries in some photographs within this album.
Intent here is to emphasize the importance of color contrasts. Deep g...

Performance Modern Pop Art
The aim of this image collection- artist at work in the practice of time-test limit performance art, to appreciate this work of art-finished within 4 hours, we need bring with us nothing ...

Not your normal in the sky stuff, this small suite of images is all about people in storm – the battle with the elements or atmospheric conditions as people move from point A – point B. Last but not least, images provi...

Photographer's stand point of view and angle of camera are to the fore - clearly important determinants on these images. The monument housed some 55 meters above ground level under roof structure form top part of outsid...


Self-advertising parade is exemplary good-will entertainment it appeals to public at large as free city show, also good subject matter for the elite cameraman or camerawoman. Modern parade wrapped in all the popular pack...

Orchidaceae-India, Asia
An orchid variety  for growing in a temperate climate. Nine major species have been combined to create the enormous family of hybrids seen today.
Our collection contains miniature...

The face of some City Waterfront and the demand for aestheticism- leads to removal of old shed structure. For photography as potentially Avant-Guard implies chance for new photographic practice and experienced – example...

Piha-South-Surfer Surfer-North-Island NZ-West Coast-40km Due west of Auckland.
The resolvable difference between professional surfer and the rookie – is on display within this photo gallery – Pihas-south seasca...


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